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lip service 空口答應[應酬話],口惠。

lip stick

Seldom are such scenes of degeneration featured in chinese cinema , even less without judgement . it s like an obliging father who pays his son a lip service of disapproval but indulges him deep down 華語電影里很少這類描寫現代都市人頹唐生活的場面,而且態度并不道學,倒像一個縱容孩子的慈父,表面上說了他兩句,骨子里還是護他的。

If american investment firms partner with these sovereign wealth funds , every talk and speculation ? about possible regulation falls into lip services . it is still an american borrower game 如果美國的投資機構和這些主權財富基金合伙的話,所有的談到的各種各樣管制的假設都是空談。不過依然是美國人借錢來玩的游戲而已。

Respect the views of the hong kong public it is not meaningful to merely pay lip service about consulting the public but in fact to ignore their views because their views are different from the authorities 若口說諮詢公眾,但實際是當公眾與政府持不同意見時,公眾的意見會被略過,那么公眾諮詢便會變得毫無意義。

Many organizations give lip service to how well their employees are treated and how much they contribute to the company ' s success . fewer have a formal learning program in place 很多機構口頭上總是說他們的員工待遇是如此之好,他們對于公司的貢獻如此之大,而事實上,他們卻沒有一個正式的培訓計劃。

One gets the feeling that , for rijkaard , the commitment to the “ barcelona style “ is not lip service , but actual dedication , and he works tirelessly to keep it alive 人們能感受到,對于里杰卡爾德,忠于“巴薩的風格”不是嘴皮子功夫,而是實實在在的信奉,他不遺余力的保留這種風格。

We may pay lip service to being “ visitor - centric , ” but all too often our homepages primarily serve the needs of the organization , or even our own egos 我們或許在“游客為本”上花費了太多的口舌,但所有那些看似過于重復的主要服務正是組織上或我們自己所需要的。

She uneuphemistically makes it clear that compared to lots of people who have paid lip service to the principle of nondiscrimination , sarkozy actually put words to actions 她直言不諱地指出,其他人對于消除性別歧視只是嘴上說說,只有薩科齊才真正做到了這一點。

Bernd has occasionally paid lip service to calderon ' s gibberings about stylish play , and , as we know , he ' s even provided it 舒斯特爾偶爾還會為卡爾德隆在比賽風格上的毫無意義的評論開出空頭支票,而且,正如我們所看到的,他甚至已經做出改變。

Naturally , he must pay lip service to the policy of the organization ; otherwise , he would find himself very unpopular 他自然得對該組織的這一政策口頭上表示支持擁護,否則的話,他就會發現自己極不受人歡迎。

Most cyclists pay lip service to this commandment ; they understand it intellectually , but not emotionally 大多數的車手都只是口頭上贊成這條戒律;他們在智力上理解它,但不是在感情上。

For all the lip service we pay to the idea of equality , we do not consider this wrong in the western world 對于所有的接吻服務,我們覺得那是平等的象征,在西方我們不認為這是種錯誤

If you were to do business with people who only paid lip service to you , you might as well give them all your money 如果要跟一個口不對心的人做生意,倒不如把你的錢直接送給他吧!

This is saying that people just pay lip service to buddhism and treat it as child ' s play 這是說的這個盡用口頭禪,把佛教當兒戲,來隨便亂講亂說,也不負因果的責任。

He only paid lip service to our research program . he didn ' t even give us permission to use the lab 他對我們的科研項目只是口頭上支持,他甚至不允許我們使用實驗室。

It ' s not enough to pay lip service to that project . we have to do something about it 只是口頭上支持那個項目是不夠的,我們應該拿出些行動來。

Today many friendships are not real ; people are merely paying lip service to one another 今天許多的友誼都不純真;人們彼此只是說些應酬話。

Those who pay lip service are greater enemies than those who speak openly against you 那些口是心非的人比那些會開反對你的人對你的威脅更大。

Those who pay lip service are greater enemies than those who openly speak against us 口頭獻假執殷勤的人比公開反對我們的人是更大的敵人。

Mr . a ' s easily promised assistance to this project has turned out to be only lip service 先生輕易答應對這計畫的幫忙,結果只是應酬話。